
Friday, November 15, 2013

Honor Bee

One of our young women earned her Honor Bee! I put together this package as a gift to her.

It contains the book One Drop at a Time by M. Russell Ballard, some Burt's Bees lip gloss and hand lotion, some Bit-O-Honey candies, a letter from the bishop, a letter from the young women presidency, and (of course) her BEE CHARM!

On the back of the paper tag bee is this quote: "The bee is more honored than other animals, not because she labors, but because she labors for others." -St. John Chrysostom

What a fitting quote for a girl who continues to labor for others.


  1. Such a cute idea! But where did you obtain the book.? Online the cheapest I could find was about $13. Not in our budget.

  2. Where did you get your cute cut out of the bee? Is it a pattern? I'm kind of desperate tonight. If you have access to one, would you email it to me?
