
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Individual Worth #2

So far in this calling, I've only concentrated on Individual Worth. I chose to focus on Individual Worth #2 because the YW are learning about the Plan of Salvation this month. Patriarchal blessings seems to go right along with this.

I asked our Stake Patriarch to come and speak to the YW about patriarchal blessings. I made the invitation to look like a Liahona (which I found on a seminary blog--such a cool idea! You can find my inspiration here.)

Oh, the Places You'll Go! New Beginnings Program

Several people have asked for a copy of our program. For me, decorations and refreshments are a cinch, but the that's another story. I hesitate to post our program word-for-word because of the names of the Young Women. So without names, here's our program....
Conducting: (Laurel class president)
Chorister: (Laurel)
Pianist: (Laurel)
Opening Song: I Am a Child of God
Opening Prayer: (Laurel)
Introduction of YW Theme: (Beehive)
I asked this girl to explain the meaning of the theme, when the theme is recited, etc. (in her own words) before we stood as a group to recite it. I gave her a copy of what the handbook says about the theme to use as a reference.
Class purposes and symbols: (Beehive, Mia Maid, Laurel class presidents)
Again, I asked these three girls to explain their class purposes and symbols as if she were explaining it to the 11-year-olds and I gave them a copy of what the handbook says as a reference.
Introduction of new YW: (Laurel)
This was an introduction of the YW who have moved into the ward during the past year, not incoming Beehives. I asked the parents to answer the following questions about their daughter: 1. Where did she move from? 2. What does she miss about that place? 3. What does she love most about where she is living now? 4. Where will she go from here/future plans? We had a Laurel call her up to the front and read the answers.
Introduction of future Beehives: (Beehive class members)
Because we wanted to leave plenty of time for our guest speaker, we asked the moms of the 11-year-old girls to fill a 12x12 paper of highlights of their daughter. They included pictures, favorites, etc. The Laurel conducting the meeting asked everyone to look at these papers after the meeting and we had them posted on the chalkboard. However, we did have each Beehive invite a future Beehive to the front and told how she stood in holy places. When we gave the moms the 12x12 paper, we attached a small paper that asked them to complete this sentence: "My daughter stands in holy places by ____." Each Beehive simply read the paper. It was very quick!
Introduction of the Personal Progress Program: (Me!)
I asked the Mia Maids to help me explain the values during my talk. They just stood where they were and read the value color and statement. Easy.
Speaker: (The YW President)
Speaker: (Guest Speaker)
Closing remarks: Bishop
Closing song: I'll Go Where You Want Me
Closing prayer: (Laurel)